"I'm too broken and too far gone for God to ever use me."
"I could never tell anyone all of the things I've done."
"I can't stop wondering, 'what if I had made better choices back then.'"
"I will never be free from all this hurt and pain. It's too deep."
"I'm just always going to be like this."
"I can carry all these heavy burdens alone."
"No one would ever understand if they knew all of this about me."
But those lies are not the truth.
The truth is this:
You are loved by God, chosen, and created for a purpose. Through His Word, God offers healing, transformation, and freedom—no matter your past.
Break free from the weight of guilt and shame, whether it’s from abortion, promiscuity, adultery, addictions, or divorce.
You have replaced the lies with the truth of God’s Word and daily walk in a renewed mind (Romans 12:2).
You are heal from childhood rejection, abandonment, or the pain of a father leaving you.
Step into your God-given purpose, boldly defined by His calling, not your past and you are renewed and free of all guilt and shame
You are truly experiencing God's love for you.
You are living in the abundant life Christ came to give you.
You no longer struggle with fear of what others say about you.
You know exactly what God is calling you do and you are doing it!
You no longer live in insecurity and doubt about who you are in Christ.
You understand God's grace and walk in it daily and extend it to others even in difficult situations.
You wake up every morning believing what God says about.
You no longer doubt that God loves you and has great plans for you!
Areas of Focus:
Discovering who you are in Christ
Finding out what your 'true God-calling' is and confidently walking in it Regardless of your past
Past abortion trauma
Past drug and alcohol abuse (has nothing to do with AA or a 12 Step program)
a GFHW Life Coaching begins at where you are right now in life. My job as your Coach is to walk beside and help you discover where you want to go from where you are right now.
Biblical Life coaching incorporates the whole person, body, soul (mind, will and emotions) and spirit.
My coaching is Bible (it's in my DNA) based and designed specifically to help you learn how to rely on and trust in Jesus and help you grow and develop your relationship with Him in order to fulfill His unique plan for your life.
Every meeting is online via Zoom Meetings. All you need is a phone or computer and access to the internet.
If you don't have a computer or internet, we can meet via phone call and/or FaceTime.
Most meetings are one hour long.
a GFHW is Bible based (it's in my DNA) and we focus on what the Bible says not any other 'worldly' endeavors.
As Christian women, God’s desire is for us to come to Him and cast all our cares upon Him. Why? Because He cares for us.
1 Peter 5:8
No. I have no degrees or licenses in Christian counseling. I do however know exactly where you are because I've been there, I promise.
I know what it's it like to sit in my pastor's office saying, "it's (the Christian life) not supposed to be like this."
I do hold certificates in Biblical Counseling (BCF, Inc.) and Christian Life Coaching (CC, LLC).
But here’s what I want you to know:
I am a Christian woman just like you who has struggled with believing the lies of the enemy that tell me "I will never_____" and "I will always be like this."
I know and have experienced the same things you're struggling with. I’m here to share how I have found freedom in Christ. Why? Because He is our only hope.
He has great and mighty things He wants to show you. Jeremiah 33:3.
His plans for you are good. Jeremiah 29:11-14 And, He created you on purpose and for a purpose. Ephesians 2:10
I’d love to help you, indeed it is my honor to do just that!
I am here to help you! Let's get on a FREE call and see if we are good fit for each other.
(this is what these ladies want you to know)
Cory Ann
I had the privilege of working with Barbie of Godly Focused Hearts who not only guided me towards success in my desired areas but she also incorporated wisdom and spiritual guidance into our sessions. Barbie provided insight and had such a tender heart towards me, it was so impactful! Her ability to draw parallels between life's challenges and how the Lord sees me provided me with such a beautiful perspective. Through her insightful coaching, I was able to understand on a deeper level the areas I needed help in and why!
I highly recommend Barbie to anyone seeking success!
Deana Lynn
It was very beneficial spending time with you during our coaching sessions. It really helped to make my dreams/visions more real and tangible.
You are definitely operating in your gifting.
Melanie Gail
When I first heard Barbie talking about a verse in the Bible my first thought was, "Wow, just wow. No way! Does the Bible really say that about me? Me?" I told her right then and there I was going to look it up and see for myself! Her response? "YES! Don't take my word for it. You get in the Bible and see for yourself." Since then I have invited God into every area of my life, including my diet. It's been amazing. Thank you Barbie, it's hard, but you helped me see things in a totally new way. Thank God.
And yes, I recommend Barbie!
The truth is this: You are deeply loved by God, chosen, and created for a purpose. Through His Word, God offers healing, transformation, and freedom—no matter your past.
The truth is this: Before God laid the foundation of the world He knew you. (Eph. 1:4) and He has good works that He prepared for you to walk in. (Eph. 2:10)
Sometimes, in the midst of our struggles and the cares of this world, we just lose sight of that. As a Bible-based Christian life coach, I help women just like you breakthrough all the lies and step into freedom in Christ and His calling on your life! Trust me, I've been there! What He's done for me, He's willing and able to do for you.
That's why I offer a Free Coaching Session with an immediate Breakthrough Plan tailored to your needs. Together, we’ll break through all the mess so you can live boldly and confidently step into your God-given purpose. We’ll uncover the lies holding you back, speak truth over your life, and create a clear path to the healing and freedom you’ve been longing for.
Are you ready to let go of the past and step boldly into your purpose? It’s time to stop holding it all in and start embracing the freedom and healing only God can bring you.
You are not defined by your past. You are defined by His calling. Let’s walk this road to freedom together, I know I can help you.
Why? So that you can BE and DO ALL GOD uniquely created and called you to be.
Pressing Toward the Goal
Philippians 3:12-14
"12 Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. 13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."
Coach Barbie Sheffield